Home Prices continue to climb. As of today, only 166 detached homes are for sale in Lethbridge today.
Note: 140 detached homes sold in the last 30 days. Best interest rate is 5.09% which equals - $587 a month per $100,000 borrowed.
However, Interest rate expected to drop in late 2024.
Jeff van de Bennet's blog
April 2024-MLS-Sales-Stats Lethbridge
March 2024-MLS-Sales-Stats Lethbridge
If you want to get the most for your home, allow me to show you how best to accomplish that goal. It's a seller's market & prices are going up.
118 single family homes sold in March in Lethbridge. Only 154 for sale at April 1. That's Less than 1/2 normal supply.
February 2024-MLS-Sales-Stats Lethbridge
Lethbridge Home Prices Trending Upwards - Based on limited supply and high demand.
In February we saw a 30% decrease in inventory and a 30% increase in total sales year over year which is the most drastic variation I've seen in a while. There is a lot of pent up buyer demand and increased net migration to Southern Alberta and Lethbridge.
A lot of sellers are cashing out of higher priced markets and moving here where Real Estate Prices are still relatively affordable comparably. If you're looking to buy you definitely need to be prepared and expect some possible challenges and more than...
Proof Investing in Lethbridge Real Estate Pays HUGE Dividends
The stats don't lie. Real Estate over time has proven to be a SOLID investment over time
October 2023 MLS Sales Stats Lethbridge
Lethbridge home prices continue to climb based on low supply and high demand.
September 2023 MLS Sales Stats Lethbridge
There's currently a decrease in inventory over last year. Less for sale but also more sales. Home prices continue to trend upward.
July 2023 MLS Sales Stats Lethbridge
In July, we saw solid overall sales numbers. Sales volume was up 5% compared to July last year and total listings are down 20%.
The Prime Rate is currently holding at 7.2%. Although this represents the highest rate in 22 years, we still expect a strong summer and fall market here in Lethbridge and area,
due in large part to the affordability advantages that we continue to enjoy in this region.